Paidverts is a very unique PTC site in an ocean of PTC’s that work and look the same.. This PTC has great potential. It is already established and has a loyal user base..

With paidverts, you obviously still get paid for every click, but you can actually earn up to $50 per click! There are no referrals to rent on paidverts, so the strategy we will be using will differ from the other PTC guides I have written about.. Even without the rented referrals , it is still possible to gain a very nice passive income from paidverts.. the great benefit about this site is the feature to advertise your own site, or PTC referral link for free while earning money.. To start with, I’ll just go into a bit of detail about the company we will be working with: Paidverts is an american owned company, It is currently 4 months old and it is owned by the same person who owns “mytrafficvalue” (mytrafficvalue is a site that you invest money and get a certain amount of profit back from it, mytrafficvaule is an established site that has been running for years) so because of that we know that Paidverts is legitimate. So without further ado, here is my guide to help you earn the best possible passive income from Paidverts.
Paidverts Strategy
• The first thing you are going to want to do is sign up to Paidverts, you can do so HERE

Paidverts members home page
• once you have activated your account it is time to login, once you have logged in, head over to the members home page, this is where you will be spending your time while using the site so try and get familiar with it.. • Now you need to start viewing the advertisements (this is a PTC after all
) The ad system is unique to this site, so let me explain in detail below: The first ads you get to view are called Bonus ad packs or BAP , you get 50 BAP for each ad you click an you get given 8+ of these ads a day.. BAP are then used to view the paid advertisements, after a few hours of having BAP in your account you will start receiving paid ads. The amount you get for each paid ad depends on how many BAP you have. for the 1st week you will get on average of 400 BAP a day, when using it on paid ads, you will get $0.20 per day from the BAP.. It might sound a bit complicated but you will get used to it soon, it is also important to note that after 1 week of clicking, you will start to earn a lot more than before, and it will keep going up.. • Start by viewing all of your BAP adverts, and then when they convert into paid ads, click all of them too! • After 5 days, you will have $1 in your account • With that $1, we need to invest it in order to receive 155% of that money back • Head over to the buy ads page from your account page, here you will get options of what to buy click on the “bulk ads” for $1.

Paidverts buy adpacks
You may be wondering why I am getting you to purchase advertising, here is why: each $1 ad pack you buy, you will receive advertising space for your website if you have one and 3,100 BAP! This 3100 BAP will convert into $1.55 worth of ads in the next few days.. So you pay $1, get free advertising and also get $1.55 .. in a few weeks you will be spending $10 each time on that ad pack and given back $15.50 in a few days.. I hope you can now see how profitable this will be.. • Now you have purchased that $1 ad with your account balance, it is time to wait until your paid ads appear, when they do appear you have 18 hours to click them before they disappear. Remember to keep click your BAP ads as well.. • Click your ads every day until you get your $1.5 back from your investment, because you have also been clicking your BAP ads everyday, once you have spent your BAP you should have at least $2. • With that $2, go ahead and buy 2 ad packs this time, this $2 investment will give you $3.10 back as well as free advertisements for your site.. • I am sure you know what to do now,view your ads until you have used up all your BAP, and then go and buy as many ad packs as you can with what you have. • And that is all you have to do. just rinse and repeat, and I promise that in a few weeks, you will be buying 10 ad packs at a time and getting back $15, and then in 2 months or so you will be able to get 100 ad packs at a time for 100, and get $155 back, ($55 profit) If you are feeling sceptical about buying $100 worth of ad packs, just remember that you will only be using the money that you have already earned with Paidverts, you are just putting it back into the system in order to earn more back!

Recap Of Paidverts Strategy:
This approach to PTC is very fresh, I don’t believe it is being done by any other site.. It is more like an investment site + PTC site in one, but the investment is 100% safe and you always get 155% of your investment back in Paid ads. You can cash out or invest money VIA Paypal. I highly recommend not cashing out anything until your are making a profit of at least $5 – $10 per day, but it is up to you.. If you are interested in earning money on Paidverts, Sign Up Here !
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