Probux Is the best PTC site in the industry.
Probux Is the best PTC site in the industry.
Probux was established in 2006 and is still running today, they are the leaders of paid to click programs.. Using Probux properly is one of the best ways to earn passive money online.
Below is a guide that will show you how to earn a good income with Probux, it is possible to earn 20$ and upwards per day with Probux if you can just commit to 10 minuets work a day!
Probux Guide And Strategy
The idea to earn money on Probux and all other PTC sites is to rent referrals to let them do all the work for you.
- This Method Requires No Investment (investing just 5$ would speed up your process A LOT though)
Sign Up To Probux
Sign Up to Probux Here -Probux Sign Up
Enter in Correct details, including your Paypal information. be sure to confirm the sign up with the email verification they send you.
have a look around your new account to get a feel of the website

Probux Guide | Probux Account Page
- In order to rent referrals from Probux, you need to have a minimum of 1$ on your Probux account.
- In order to get your first 1$ to rent referrals, you have to view the paid advertisements that Probux offers. You should click every single ad they give you every day until you have the 1$ .. You could skip this step by just investing 5$ via Paypal. It would save you around 2 weeks of clicking, but it is up to you
- Now you have the money needed to rent your 1st referral package.
- Head over to your account page on Probux, on your account page, it will have a button that says “rent referrals” , when you hover over it, it will say “rent referrals who earn money for you” click on that. If you have 1$ you will be able to rent 3 Referrals, So click on rent 3 referrals. If you had enough money it will say “referrals have been added to your account.
- To view what your referrals are up to, click on your account page and then on “rented referrals” , it will show information on every referral you have, information like how many ads they have viewed, how long you have had them before, and their average clicks per day.
- For every Ad click that your referral makes you will also earn money.
- In order for you to earn money from your referral clicks, you also have to click your own ads everyday, if for example you forget to click your own ads today, you will not get paid for the ads your referrals click tomorrow, It is very important to click your own ads every day.
- !Now you have your first set of referrals and you are still clicking every day, you will notice that you are earning more money
Probux Guide | Renting Referrals Pagemore quickly than before. Your goal is to get to 200 rented referrals, when you get 200
You can rent more referrals after exactly 7 days since the last time you rented them, so if you rented them on a Wednesday, you will have to wait until next Wednesday to earn more.
Keep clicking your ads and earning from referrals until you have enough money to rent more referrals again.
• Keep doing this process over and over again, do not cash out any money yet!
• If you keep investing your money back into renting referrals you will get to the goal of 200 rented referrals a lot quicker , therefore you will start earning more money everyday sooner!
- After a month or two you will have 200 rented referrals, which will be earning you anywhere form 5-10$ a day!
- At this point you can either start cashing out or you can save your money until you have 70$. If you have 70$ you can buy “Ultimate membership” on Probux. Ultimate membership means that you will earn twice as much money from your rented referrals.. so if you were earning 10$ on your standard (free) membership, upgrading to ultimate would start giving you 20$ a day instantly.
- Another benefit of upgrading to ultimate member ship is that you can now rent a maximum of 2,000 referrals. compared to the 200 of standard membership.
- If you follow the same process of clicking ads everyday and renting referrals up to 2,000. by the end of it you will be earning 100-200$ a day! NO JOKE,
Cashing Out On Probux
As I mentioned before, I do not recommend cashing out until you have lots of referrals. I didn’t cash out at all until I had 1,000 referrals, and now I cash out usually$12 once a day! But the time will come when you need to cash out.. here is how: To cash out on Probux you need to have a minimum of $5 in your account balance, don’t worry, when you are renting lots of

Withdraw money from Probux
referrals, you can earn more than 5$ a night just while you sleep.. You can be paid through Paypal, Payza and Neteller .. Personally, I use Paypal when getting paid by Probux. Go to your account page, on the left there will be a square that says “cash out”. Cashouts are instant, so if you click withdraw now,the money will be in your Paypal/Payza/Neteller within seconds!
I hope I have explained everything that you need to know in order to start earning, if you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back to you ASAP.

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